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Resources for Faculty and Staff: Welcome!

Welcome To Murphy Library

We know you will find Murphy Library to be one of the most important resources on campus for fostering student academic success, supporting your research and assisting your curricular development endeavors. The library’s website is your fast access gateway to electronic information 24/7. The information in this guide will introduce you to your library staff and faculty librarian colleagues and the many resources and services available specifically to you. We also invite you to visit the library for a firsthand look at what the we have to offer and to make an Individual Research Consultation appointment for a more in-depth discussion with a librarian about the wealth of information available to you.

Library Instruction

The library has also developed learning materials for students, staff, and faculty to use as a supplement to information literacy instruction. These materials include

  • Library Guides - offer guidance on how to find and use specialized resources like research databases, reference materials, and reliable websites 
  • Murphy Library Instruction Playlist - students can watch short videos on forming a database search strategy, using advanced search techniques, and how to use Search@UW.
  • Library Skills Tutorials self-paced Canvas course - series of videos and tutorials covering topics including: using the library catalog, requesting materials from other libraries, forming searches, and assessing the results you retrieve. Use this self enroll link to access the course.

Online Forms

How To

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Not Just Books!


Our general book collection is located on the 2nd floor of Murphy Library. The library also houses the following specialized collections. 

Research Help

Reference Desk

Librarians can help you learn to make the most of the information resources, tools, and services of Murphy Library and beyond!

Weekdays & Sunday afternoons (fall/spring):

  • Visit us at the research help desk (1st floor)
  • Call us at 608.785.8508
  • Web Chat with us

Any time (year-round):

Local history and/or archives research? Special Collections / Area Research Center specialists are available!

Additional resources


Other Resources: