UW-Madison has several useful tutorials on how to use Simmons Insights (predecessor to MRI-Simmons Catalyst):
APA is the recommended citation style for the social sciences, including business disciplines.
IBISWorld: (cite the report used)
Lerman, S. (2016, September). IBISWorld industry
report 61111a: Public schools in the US.
MRI-Simmons Catalyst: (cite the study/dataset used)
MRI-Simmons. (2021). 2021 Spring MRI-Simmons USA study.
[Data file]. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from
Catalyst database.
MRI-Simmons. (2021). 2021 Spring (La Crosse-Eau Claire)
local flex MRI-Simmons. [Data file]. Retrieved
February 5, 2024, from Catalyst database.
Data Axle Reference Solutions: (cite the database record used)
Data Axle. (n.d.). Charmant Hotel LLC, La Crosse, WI.
[Database record]. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from
U.S. Businesses database.
Business Insights: Global: (cite a company profile)
Gale Cengage Learning. (n.d.). Amazon.com, Inc.
[Company profile]. Retrieved March 6, 2023 from
Business Insights: Global.
Passport (Euromonitor): (cite a report)
Euromonitor International. (2022, June). Beer in the
United Kingdom. [Country report].
Euromonitor International. (2022, May). Molson Coors
Brewing Co (UK) Ltd in Alcoholic Drinks (United
Kingdom). [Local company profile].
Many more APA citation examples are available.
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