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Introduction to Murphy Library: Circulation

This is a general guide to the resources, services, and spaces available to you at Murphy Library. This is the perfect introduction for first-year students, transfer students, or that junior or senior that hasn't been to the library in a while.

Circulation Desk

The Circulation Desk is located at the main entrance. This is where you check out and renew library materials, find course reserves, pay fines, get change, pick up and return resource sharing and Interlibrary Loan materials, place searches for items not found on shelves, and find out basic information about the library.



The library has various forms of technology available for students to borrow. You can find more information and a complete list of technology lending policies on our Murphy Equipment page.


Borrowing Privileges for Undergraduates

A current UW-La Crosse ID card must be presented when checking out library materials.

Books: check out for 28 days; you may renew them twice.
DVD and Multimedia materials: check out for 7 days with 1 renewal allowed.
Most course reserve items are borrowed for 3 hours and must stay in the library.

You can find more information and a complete list of borrowing policies (including borrowing privileges for faculty, staff, graduate students, and community members) on our Murphy Materials page.

Contact Information

Need help? Feel free to contact the circulation desk!

Phone: 608-785-8507