Murphy Library's main collection of books and printed materials are located in the stacks on the 2nd floor of the library.
There are also many places to study or relax throughout the stacks, including group seating areas, carrels, computers, and the always popular bean bags!
Finding Books in the Stacks
The stacks are organized using the Library of Congress Call Number System. Most school and public libraries use the Dewey Decimal System to organize their books, so you might have to learn how to find materials using this new system. If you're having trouble finding what you're looking for, stop by the Circulation or Reference Desks and someone will be happy to help!
The multimedia collection is located on the main floor of Murphy Library and contains videos and DVDs on a variety of topics. We have many Academy Award winners and documentaries. You can find resources for your research projects or check out a movie to watch this weekend!
You can also find music and instructional audio CDs in this collection.
Need help finding books or other materials? Contact a librarian at the Research Help Desk!
Use the Search@UW box below to search for any of the library materials listed on this page. If you want to search for materials within the whole UW System, set the dropdown to Search@UW. If you want to search for materials located specifically at Murphy Library, change the dropdown to UW-La Crosse Books & Media.
Use this shortcut to find books, articles & more in Murphy Library's Search@UW.
As part of the Federal Depository Library Program, Murphy Library receives many publications from the federal, state, and local levels. We have over 200,000 print publications and over 45,000 government publications available electronically.
Government information is anything published at the federal, state, or locally elected level. It can be useful for statistics and other research.
Physical government documents can be found in the library's basement, but many are also available online. You can search for both online and physical government documents using our catalog.