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Equity Liaison Initiative: Key Publications

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

For more than 30 years, Diverse: Issues In Higher Education has been a source of critical news, information and commentary on the full range of issues concerning diversity in American higher education.

INSIGHT Into Diversity

INSIGHT Into DiversityINSIGHT Into Diversity strives to advance the national conversation about diversity and inclusion through thought-provoking articles on current trends and relevant news; interviews with innovators, thought leaders, and experts; explorations of best practices; and profiles of successful programs and initiatives. 

Diversity Studies

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Journal of Diversity in Higher EducationJournal of Diversity in Higher Education publishes empirical research, literature reviews, and evaluations of promising practices and policies that support efforts to transform institutions, inspire colleagues, engage campus, governmental, and private sector leaders, and articulate culturally competent outcomes. View all available journal articles (2008-Present) via EBSCOhost PsycArticles.

Conditionally Accepted

Conditionally AcceptedConditionally Accepted is a career advice column from Inside Higher Ed that provides "news, information, personal stories, and resources for scholars who are, at best, conditionally accepted in academe. Conditionally Accepted is an anti-racist, pro-feminist, pro-queer, anti-transphobic, anti-fatphobic, anti-ableist, anti-ageist, anti-classist, and anti-xenophobic online community."