Here are links to library catalogs frequently used.
Here in the Area Research Center we have historic public governement documents on microfilm, microfiche and in original book format. We can also direct you to other sources such as the Wisconsin Historical Society, the La Crosse Public Library and other online sources.
We are a regional depository of the Wisconsin Historical Society ARC network. Each ARC covers different counties. Here in La Crosse we cover the following counties: Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau and Vernon.
Examples of public governement documents and other items that we have here and that are useful to genealogists are: tax rolls, school records, court records, criminal court records, naturalization papers, land deeds, probates, vital records (birth, death and marriage pre 1907), plat maps, Sanborn maps, school yearbooks, city directories for La Crosse starting in 1866, our vertical file collection (of clippings and other miscellaneous documents) and locally published town or church histories.
For a complete listing, please call (608) 785-8511 or email
If you are looking for records outside of our five counties (Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau and Vernon), here is a map of the ARC network and the counties they cover.
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Local history and/or archives research? Special Collections / Area Research Center specialists are available!