The lists to the right consist of books about a few selected composers and their music. Use the call numbers of these books to locate even more resources.
ML 410 .V82 has the books about Vivaldi and his music.
You can go right to the 2nd floor of Murphy Library and find the ML 410 section to browse for composers -- they're in alphabetical order by composer.
Here is a list of some of the primary composers.
Bach, J.S. | ML 410 .B1 |
Buxtehude | ML 410 .B99 |
Byrd | ML 410 .B996 |
Carissimi | ML 410 .C3268 |
Charpentier | ML 410 .C42 |
Clementi | ML 410 .C64 |
Corelli | ML 410 .C78 |
Couperin | ML 410 .C855 |
Frescobaldi | ML 410 .F85 |
Gabrieli, G. | ML 410 .G11 |
Gesualdo | ML 410 .G29 |
Handel | ML 410 .H13 |
Lully | ML 410 .L95 |
Machaut | ML 410 .G966 |
Monteverdi | ML 410 .M77 |
Palestrina | ML 410 .P15 |
Purcell | ML 410 .P93 |
Rameau | ML 410 .R2 |
Scarlatti, A. | ML 410 .S22 |
Scarlatti, D. | ML 410 .S221 |
Schütz | ML 410 .S35 |
Telemann | ML 410 .T26 |
Vivaldi | ML 410 .V82 |