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Zines: Zines Online

Online Zine Repositories

Explore These Zine Collections

Discover more examples of zines and other alternative press publications. Many include PDFs you can download.


Essential Databases


You can purchase zines from these distributors. Some allow you to submit your own zines for distribution.

Zinester Directory

More Zine Research

Finding Zines

There are number of ways to locate zines outside of Murphy Library. Attending a local zine fest, purchasing through a distro, or reaching out directly to a creator are all great options! The resources on this page will help you locate zines as well as connect with other zine communities and resources. is a union catalog dedicated to zines. A union catalog is a resource where libraries can share cataloging and holdings information. ZineCat lets researchers discover zine holdings by searching a single catalog, and helps librarians copy catalog records to facilitate lending across libraries. ZineCat serves educators, researchers, librarians, archivists, and anyone in the general public with an interest in zines.

ZineCat contains records from partner libraries including ABC No Rio, the Barnard Zine Library, the Carnegie Library of PittsburghDenver Zine Library, the Queer Zine Archive Project and the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture at Duke University.

Citing Zines

All zines are protected by copyright unless they contain an anti-copyright statement. Like any other resource used in scholarship, zines should be cited. 

Here are some tips for formatting your citations using MLA Style:

  • In MLA style, a pamphlet, zine, or brochure is cited like a book.
  • Include as much detail as possible, using the MLA's Core Elements.  
  • If your zine has no author, or if the author is "anonymous," begin your citation with the title of the zine. Pseudonyms, including online usernames, are usually given like regular author names.
  • If your zine is part of a numbered series, indicate the issue number.

General Form

Last name, First M. or Organization. Zine Title. Publisher, Year.