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ART 315: Writing About Art: Books

N - Overview

N - Visual arts

NA - Architecture

NB - Sculpture

NC - Drawing. Design. Illustration

ND - Painting

NE - Print media

NK - Decorative arts

NX - Arts in general

N - Fine Arts

N - Visual arts

  • N61-72 Theory. Philosophy. Aesthetics of the visual arts
  • N81-390 Study and teaching. Research
  • N400-3990 Art museums, galleries, etc.
  • N5300-7418 History
  • N8700-9165 Art and the state. Public art

NA - Architecture

  • NA190-1555.5 History
  • NA2400-2460 Museums. Exhibitions
  • NA2835-4050 Details and decoration
  • NA4100-8480 Special classes of buildings
    • NA4100-4145 Classed by material
    • NA4150-4160 Classed by form
    • NA4170-8480 Classed by use
  • NA9000-9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying

NB - Sculpture

  • NB60-1115 History
  • NB1160-1195 Designs and technique
  • NB1203-1270 Special materials
  • NB1293-1895 Special forms
    • NB1293-1310 Portrait sculpture
    • NB1330-1685 Sculptural monuments
    • NB1750-1793 Religious monuments and shrines

NC - Drawing. Design. Illustration

  • NC50-266 History of drawing
  • NC730-758 Technique
  • NC950-996 Illustration
  • NC1300-1766 Pictorial humor, caricature, etc.
  • NC1800-1850 Posters
  • NC1860-1896 Greeting cards, postcards, invitations, book jackets, etc.

ND - Painting

  • ND49-813 History
  • ND1288-1460 Special subjects
    • ND1290-1293 Human figure
    • ND1300-1337 Portraits
    • ND1340-1367 Landscape painting
    • ND1380-1383 Animals. Birds
  • ND1470-1625 Technique and materials
  • ND1700-2495 Watercolor painting
  • ND2550-2733 Mural painting
  • ND2889-3416 Illuminating of manuscripts and books

NE - Print media

  • NE1-978 Printmaking and engraving
    • NE400-773 History of printmaking
  • NE1000-1352 Wood engraving
  • NE1400-1879 Metal engraving
  • NE1940-2232.5 Etching and aquatint
  • NE2250-2570 Lithography
  • NE2690 Engraving on glass
  • NE3000-3002 Copying art. Copying machine art

NK - Decorative arts

  • NK1160-1590 Decoration and ornament. Design
  • NK1648-1678 Religious art
  • NK1700-2195 Interior decoration. House decoration
  • NK2200-2750 Furniture
  • NK2775-2898 Rugs and carpets
  • NK2975-3049 Tapestries
  • NK3175-3296.3 Upholstery. Drapery
  • NK3375-3496.3 Wallpapers
  • NK3600-9990 Other arts and art industries
    • NK3700-4695 Ceramics
    • NK4700-4890 Costume
    • NK5100-5440 Glass
    • NK5500-6060 Glyptic arts
    • NK6400-8459 Metalwork
    • NK8800-9505.5 Textiles
    • NK9600-9955 Woodwork

NX - Arts in general

  • NX1-260 General
  • NX280-410 Study and teaching. Research
  • NX411-415 Competitions
  • NX420-430 Exhibitions
  • NX440-632 History of the arts
  • NX650-694 Special subjects, characters, persons, religious arts, etc.
  • NX700-750 Patronage of the arts
  • NX760-770 Administration of the arts
  • NX775-777 Voluntarism in the arts
  • NX798-820 Arts centers and facilities

Finding Books in Murphy Library

To find books that we have in Murphy Library (rather than borrowing from another library), limit your search to "UWL Books & Media."

Then limit the results further to just "2nd Floor Stacks," which will eliminate e-books and only show you books that you can go upstairs and take off the shelf.

Borrowing Books from other UW Libraries

If you find an excellent book but discover that Murphy Library doesn't own a copy, but other UW libraries do, you can request a copy to be sent to UWL for free. It can take 5-7 days, so make sure you have enough time.

Use the "Search@UW" option rather than the "UWL Books & Media" option.

Then click "Sign in" and use your NetID.