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Theatre: Costume Design: Getting started

Resources for researching and designing costumes

General Information for Theater Studies

Murphy Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System.  Unlike the Dewey Decimal System, the LC System is an alpha-numeric system, employing both letters and numbers.  Every LC call number begins with a letter or letters which designate the general subject of the material.  In the LC classification system, theatre materials can be found in a variety of letter/number combinations. 

Below are some of the most frequently used designations for theatre resources.

GT500 - GT2289 Costumes -- history/description  
GT2290 - GT2341 Hair, cosmetics
GT1747 Masks
NA Architecture
ND2885 Scene painting
NK8802 - NK8998 Textile arts
PN1600 - PN3307 Drama
PN2068 Make-up
PN2091 .E4 Electric devices; stage lighting
PN2091 .S8 Stage settings; scenery
PN2061 - PN2071 Art of acting
PN2085 - PN2901 The stage and accessories
PN2091 .S6 Sound effects
PN2131 - PN2145 Ancient theatre History
PN2152 - PN2160 Medieval theatre history
PN2171 - PN2179 Renaissance theatre history
PN2181 - PN2193 Modern theatre history
PN3035 The Jewish theatre
PN6110.5 - PN6120 Play collections
PR621 - PR739 English literature-drama
PR641 - PR739 History of drama literature
PS330 - PS352 American literature-drama
TS545 - TT850 Costumes -- construction

Play Synopses


General Reference for Theater