WISEdash is the public portal to explore statistics about Wisconsin public schools. Watch the quick video below to get started, or use this user guide webpage here.
Wisconsin Consolidated ESSA State Plan (Every Student Suceeds Act)
For your assignment: Compare/Contrast the community overview with the student body profile for the district (percentages on free or reduced price lunch, percentage in Special Education, in Talented and Gifted, English Learners, “Highly-Mobile” or Homeless students, Free & Reduced lunch, etc)
Racial , ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic characteristics of families of students (report what you can gather about the incomes, occupations, religious affiliations of the families). In addition to Census information ( www.census.gov ), use the Wisconsin DPI’s School Report Card or Minnesota Report Card, or Michigan School Dashboard, or Iowa School Performance Profiles, or Illinois Report Card, or to report key information you learn about the context in which you were learning (e.g., Free and Reduced Lunch #s, student achievement, chronic absenteeism, dropout rates, discipline/suspension/expulsion rates, etc.)
Quick Google search example: (city or town name) (state) census quick facts (see example for la crosse here)