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ENG 110 Stobb, fall 2021: Informational Sources

Innovative Proposal Argument assignment

Informational Sources

Quick reference sources include scholarly encyclopedias for backgrounds and overviews, almanacs of facts, statistical compilations, atlases containing maps, specialized dictionaries, and more.  They can be great to launch and supplement a research project, but are not normally sufficient in themselves to be the entire basis for a research project.

Articles in periodicals and newspapers are relatively brief in length, and include current news reports, popular feature articles in magazines, and reports of academic research in peer-reviewed scholarly journals.  

Books may go into much greater depth on a given topic.  They are often written by a single author, but they may also be compilations of chapters by many different authors.

Quick Reference

Reference sources can be recommended by a librarian, they can be found in the Library Catalog, or you may want to try Reference Universe...

Periodicals and Newspapers

The library offers dozens of databases for finding articles in journals, magazines, and/or newspapers.

A big, broad, general-purpose article database such as Academic Search Ultimate may suit your purposes for this class.


library catalog is the complete inventory of the information resources held in a library collection.

Library catalogs list books, e-books, videos, e-resources, periodical subscriptions (but not the articles contained in periodicals), government documents, maps, and more.