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MTH 116: Geometric Shapes in Picture Books: Finding Picture Books at Murphy Library

Featured Shape Picture Books



Murphy Library has a new feature that gives you instant access to titles of picture books on shapes that are found upstairs in the Curriculum Center. 

A shortcut to the direct link is here.

To find this featured collection, you can also follow these steps: 

  1. From the Murphy Library homepage, type in "shapes" and click search. Many of the shape picture books will appear in the results, but to go directly from a selected list, read on to step two.
  2. From the results page, at the top, click on "Featured Collections".

  1. Then click on the "Curriculum Children's & Teen Books", then choose "Shapes" from the other featured collections. 

How to Find Picture Books on Shapes at Murphy Library

In three short steps, you can find picture books on shapes in the Curriculum Center at Murphy Library. Contact the Curriculum Librarian if you have problems or issues ( 

1. From the library homepage, find the main search box and type in the word shapesBefore clicking on search, it helps to change the default drop-down menu to UWL Books & Media. 

2. Most of the results on the first page may show only children's books on shapes, but chances are you'll have lots of results from other parts of the library that are not relevant to your search. You can limit your search results to only children's books that are physically housed in the Curriculum Center by using the limiters on the left side of the screen: Scroll down the list until you see LOCATION.

Choose CURRICULUM CENTER. The results list should update itself automatically.

3. Now the results should only be picture books in the Curriculum Center. Click on a title that interests you and look at the record to see if it's available and where it is on the shelves. The call # will tell you. Any book that starts with a capital E is a picture book (E=easy reader). The three letters that follow are the first three letters of the author's last name. The picture book collection is placed immediately in front of you as you enter the Curriculum Collection. It is organized alphabetically by the author's last name. 



If the record says that a book is available, but it's not where it's supposed to be on the shelf, here are three options to trouble shoot:

1. Look a little before the spot where it's supposed to be, and a little after that spot. Sometimes picture books get misfiled. They are sneaky. 

2. Look on the little red cart where books are piled if a user isn't going to check it out. 

3. Go downstairs to the main circulation desk and ask a worker there if this book is in the back being processed or ready to be shelved. Often it is, and you can check it out once they find it.