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MTH 116: Geometric Shapes in Picture Books: Picture Book Reviews

Book Reviews

For those interested in pursuing how books that are intended to teach shapes are actually reviewed by children’s literature experts, here are a few places where you can read the book reviews. Compare what a book reviewer has to say about the book with how you see it. 

Book reviewers tend to write about the experience of board books and picture books from a holistic point of view. They cover things such as art, language, how language and art work together, the plot line, who the characters are, the character’s ethnicity, lessons learned, and a general impression.

When you review or read a picture book, quickly note these four elements as a way to start your own natural critical thinking skills when evaluating picture books:

Author/illustrator Publication Date Targeted Age  Grade Level

Here is a selection of sites of professional book reviews for picture books. It's usually good to compare what the reviewers think with what you think and helps you to start looking at picture books with a keener, more critical eye. Contact the Curriculum Librarian if you have trouble accessing the reviews ( 

BookList Online
Horn Book Magazine
Kirkus Reviews
New York Times Book Review
Publishers Weekly
School Library Journal