The path to school teacher librarianship starts with being a teacher. They have the same teacher training and credentials as classroom teachers. At one point, they may decide to become a school teacher librarian and obtain their librarian degree.
This is why the educational partnership between classroom teachers and school teacher librarians is important to acknowledge and engage with.
Listen to this interview with local school teacher librarian Crystal Brunelle, Teacher Librarian and Director of the LMC at Northern Hills Elementary in Onalaska, WI.
Q 1: "How and why did you become a teacher librarian?" (13s)
Q2: "Describe your interactions with classroom teachers? How do you see your educational partnerships?" (2m10s)
Q3: "Describe your typical job duties?" (4m10s)
Q4: "What do you teach in the library?" (7m10s)
The interview was initiated, produced and edited by Teri Holford, Engagement and Curriculum Collection Librarian.