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Curriculum Center & Curriculum Collections: Heritage & Culture Teaching Resources

Due to the coronavirus upset, many publishers and educational organizations have exceptional online content for children, teachers, parents, and anyone interested in children's books

Asian Pacific American Heritage Resources

The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center curates an incredible diverse and inclusive collection of online educational resources for teachers, students, and anyone interested in education. 

The Smithsonian's History Explorer series has a specific set of resources called the Asian American Curriculum Project (see more here). 

EDSITEment! has a helpful Asian Pacific American Heritage Month website offers many resources to use in the classroom to celebrate, including this dedicated webpage specifically for teachers with lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, media resources, and other useful resources. 

The Smithsonian Learning Lab has several teaching and learning resources from the Asian Pacific American Learning Center.

Teaching for Change has teaching and learning resources about the Chinese Exclusion in 19th Century America.

Teaching and learning resources from the Zinn Education Project about teaching Asian Pacific Americans. 

Using the search function in Learning for Justice, here are the teaching and learning resource results for "Asian American". 

Black African American Heritage Resources

The Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture curates another impressive diverse and inclusive collection of online educational resources for teachers, students, and anyone interested in education celebrating African American culture and heritage with plenty of teaching and learning resources

See this page for more teacher resources (professional development, lesson plans, outreach, early childhood resources).

EDSITEment! has a helpful Teacher's Guide website for African American culture and heritage that offers many resources to use in the classroom to celebrate,  for teachers with lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, media resources, and other useful resources. 

The Smithsonian Learning Lab has several teaching and learning resources from the National Museum of African American History and Culture. 

Teaching for Change has teaching and learning resources on the Civil Rights Teaching and Black Lives Matter. 

Using the search function in Learning for Justice, here are the teaching and learning resource results for "African American". 

Hispanic American Latino/é/a/x Heritage Resources

The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino pages offer several educational resources for learning:

EDSITEment! hosts a separate website called the Teacher's Guide to Hispanic and Latino Heritage and History in the United States which includes offers many resources to use in the classroom to celebrate with lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, media resources, and other useful resources. 

Teaching for Change has teaching and learning resources on Teaching Central America

Using the search function in Learning for Justice, here are the teaching and learning resource results for "Hispanic American" and "Latino"

Muslim American Heritage Resources


The Smithsonian Asian Art has educational resources on the Art of the Quar'an including classroom activities.

EDSITEment! has a useful website celebrating the teaching and learning of Muslim Americans and offers many resources to use in the classroom to celebrate, specifically for teachers with lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, media resources, and other useful resources. 

The Smithsonian Learning Lab has several teaching and learning resources the history and spread of Islam throughout the world .

Teaching for Change has teaching and learning resources on combating and challenging Islamophobia

Using the search function in Learning for Justice, here are the teaching and learning resource results for "Muslim". 

Native American Indian Heritage Resources

The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian curates an incredible diverse and inclusive collection of online educational resources for teachers, students, and anyone interested in education celebrating Native American Indian and Indigenous heritage. 

EDSITEment! has a  website called the Teacher's Guide: American Indian History and Heritage which includes offers many resources to use in the classroom to celebrate with lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, media resources, and other useful resources. 

National Geographic Kids logo


National Geographic Kids offers games, videos, teaching activities and more.

The Smithsonian Learning Lab has teaching and learning resources about Native American Resistance and Activism, Now and Then

Teaching for Change has teaching and learning resources: Native Knowledge 360 Teach In for 2024.

Using the search function in Learning for Justice, here are the teaching and learning resource results for "Native American". 

The Smithsonian's History Explorer has several resources to teach more about the Indigenous experience.