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Library Liaisons: Collection Policies

Streaming Video

Streaming films may be purchased (or leased) depending upon the availability of a title and its cost, as the library budgets a limited amount of money to support this. 

Generally, the library does not buy or lease streaming videos for specific courses or classes and handles each request on a case-by-case basis.

Please see the Streaming Video LibGuide for additional information.

Public Performance Rights (PPR)

Some types of DVD's and streaming videos (such as documentaries) purchased/leased by the Library to add to our collection include public performance rights (PPR) and are noted in the catalog. Feature films, on the other hand, generally require the use of a third party to acquire the performance rights. Currently, PPR licenses for such materials range from $350-$1,000 per title (depending on title, release date, and number of times the movie is shown). Popular movies of this type are often requested by student clubs or campus interest groups to show their members in public places on campus.