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Library Liaisons: Introduction

Program Overview

Welcome to the Murphy Library Liaison Program


Murphy Library's faculty library liaison program was established to forge a communication connection between the library, academic departments/programs, and the students within the departments/programs.  More details about the library can be found on the tabs above or in the box below.

As a library liaison, you are expected to act as the primary contact person for your department/program and Murphy Library.  Liaisons play a critical role in working collaboratively with the Murphy Library to identify resources and build a collection that best supports your department/program's curricular, research, and teaching needs.

Examples of duties are:

  • Solicit information regarding your department or program's resource needs and communicating them back to the library
  • Review resources, use statistics, and pricing (journals, books/e-books, databases, films, etc...)
  • Assist with collection weeding projects
  • Have librarian(s) attend departmental meetings (updates and training on new resources related to your department)
  • Communicate issues related to scholarly communication to other members in your department or program.

We look forward to working with you!

Contact Information

For questions related to books/e-books, databases, journals, films, streaming videos, contact:

Other questions or concerns regarding library services or policies will be directed to the appropriate library staff member who will get in touch with you.